Quality Assurance

Eurofins Environment Benelux: Quality Assurance
Eurofins Environment Testing comprises of Eurofins Analytico, Eurofins Omegam, Eurofins Sanitas Testing and Eurofins Sanitas Inspections.
All these laboratories are accredited ISO/IEC 17025 under reference numbers L-010 (Eurofins Analytico), L-086 (Eurofins Omegam) and L-568 (Sanitas Laboratory Services) and the inspection body is accredited with NEN-EN-ISO/IEC 17020 with reference number I-185 (Sanitas Sampling and Inspections). In addition, our laboratories have MCerts accreditation for a number of key soil analysis types.
This means that the quality and management systems and technical competencies of these laboratories have been tested by independent experts and meet the requirements of NEN-EN-ISO/IEC 17025 and NEN-EN-ISO/IEC 17020. Visit our download page for accreditation certificates.
An overview of accredited operations is shown in the scope for each laboratory. These are available in English.
Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA) accreditations are accepted worldwide since it is an affiliated member and co-signatory of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC). Testing certificates bearing the RvA mark of accreditation are not only accepted by governments, but also in international trade. These agreed terms are set out in the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA). In addition, the findings reported by Eurofins Analytico are explicitly recognized by governments in the UK and across Europe.
Certified Environmental Management System in accordance with NEN-EN-ISO 14001:2015
To manage and improve its own environmental performance, Eurofins Analytico works according to an environmental management system certified by TüV (Technical Inspection Association) with NEN-EN-ISO 14001.
Soil Quality Decree (NL)
Eurofins Analytico is accredited by the Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management as an intermediary for the conducting of sampling and laboratory work for the 'Sampling for batch inspections' (AS1000), the 'Fieldwork for environmentally sound soil and sediment testing' (AS2000), the Laboratory analyses for soil, sediment and groundwater investigation' (AS3000) and the 'Accreditation programme for inspection of batches of soil, building materials and granular waste '(AP04). An overview of approved packages can be found on the soil plus portal. Please visit our download page for additional information.
Flanders: Vlarel
Eurofins Analytico is accredited by the Environment Department for the conducting of sampling activities and laboratory analyses in one or more water matrices. An overview is available on the website of the department (https://www.lne.be/erkende-laboratoria#water). See Flanders Dep. endorsement water analysis Eurofins Analytico for additional information.
Flanders: Materials Decree and Soil Decree
Eurofins Analytico is accredited by the OVAM (Flanders Public Waste Agency) for sampling of soil improvers and for carrying out laboratory analyses in soil matrices and materials for the following packages (B.1, B.2, B.3.1, G1) and (MA.2, A.2.1, A,2,2, A.3.1, A.3.2, A.5.2). Please visit our download page for additional information.
Accreditation Brussels Region
Eurofins Analytico is accredited by the government of the Brussels-Capital Region for carrying out laboratory tests which are listed in the RvA accredited scope. See Brussels Region Accreditations Eurofins Analytico for additional information.
Wallonia: waste materials (arrêtéministériel octroyant l´agrement en qualité de laboratoire d´analyse de dechets)
Eurofins Analytico is accredited by the Minister of the Environment, Spatial Planning and Mobility (le Ministre de l´environnement, de l´Aménagement du Territoire et de la Mobilité) of the Walloon region for performing laboratory testing in the matrix waste materials. See Walloon accreditation for testing waste matereials Eurofins Analytico for additional information.
Wallonia: Soil Decree (décret relatif à la gestion des sols)
Eurofins Analytico is accredited by the Département du Sol et des Dechets of the Walloon Region to perform laboratory testing in the matrix soil. See Walloon accreditation Soil Testing Eurofins Analytico for additional information.
Wallonia: Decree for the protection of surface water against pollution (arrêté ministériel en matière de protection des eaux de surface, cat. A et C)
Eurofins Analytico is accredited by Minister of the Environment, Spatial Planning and Mobility (le Ministre de l´environnement, de l´Aménagement du Territoire et de la Mobilité) of the Walloon Region to perform laboratory testing in the matrix water, categories A and C. See Walloon accreditation Water testing Eurofins Analytico for additional information.
Environmental Protection Act (loi les études et/ou vérifications dans le domaine de la protection de l´environnement)
Eurofins Analytico is accredited by the Minister of the Environment to perform laboratory testing in the context of environmental protection. See Luxembourg Accreditation Eurofins Analytico for additional information.