Testing for PFOS, PFOA & GenX

PFOS and PFOA are water, grease and dirt-repellent compounds used in industrial and consumer products such as textiles, leather and paper. PFOS also reduces surface tension in extinguishing foam, paint and in hydraulic applications in aviation.
PFOS and PFOA enter the environment during production, use and as a waste product. Exposure to these highly toxic compounds presents many health risks. They are found worldwide and are persistent and bio-accumulative, remaining in the environment almost indefinitely.
In 2010 PFOS was recognized as a Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP) under the UNEP Stockholm POPs Convention and is designated in OSPAR as a 'chemical for priority action'. The use of PFOS in products has been restricted in Europe for some time. Products manufactured outside Europe must be tested for their presence. In 2013 PFOS was added to the priority substances list of the European Water Framework Directive.
We routinely perform analysis on varied environmental matrices including drinking water, water, soil, sediment, tissue and consumer products using LC/MS/MS and HRMS technologies in support of trace level reporting of emerging contaminants. Our depth of knowledge, redundancy of systems and state of the art facilities are key to our success in supporting the PFAS market. Eurofins’ reinvestment in the business ensures that we continue to offer highly sensitive methods, low reporting limits and compliance with method protocols meeting regulatory guidance. More information about PFAS analysis can be found here.
GenX is a technology used to replace PFOA in coatings (fluoropolymers). Local residents may become exposed to the chemicals used in GenX technology in different ways
Strict emission limits exist for substances that fall within the criteria for substances of very high concern (SVHC). The aim is to keep these substances out of the environment. This can be done by addressing the source or, if emissions are unavoidable, to keep these below negligible risk (the minimization obligation). GenX is on the list of potential substances of very high concern.
GenX compunds are measured using (online SPE) LC-MS-MS technology. Testing can done in surface water, groundwater, drinking water, wastewater, swimming water, soil and sludge matrices. Eurofins Environmental Testing is one of the most advanced independent environmental laboratories in the world offering a complete package for environmental testing and analysis.
Our experts are always happy to help.