
TerrAttesT® is a unique analysis product that was developed in-house by Eurofins Analytico. This suite uses the most modern techniques and information systems to provide an innovative testing solution to remediation specialists.
Applicable to multiple regulatory regimes, TerrAttesT® makes an accountable declaration on the nature and extent of more than 200 environmentally contaminating substances in soil and groundwater samples. TerrAttesT® has been used recently on projects across Europe (including the UK), South America, South Africa and the Far East.
Simple and fast
TerrAttesT® is special in that for each of the contaminants detected, the analysis report mentions only the values exceeding the reporting limit. With a view to accurate testing under laws and regulations, soil characteristics are not assumed in the TerrAttesT® approach but are measured as a standard. TerrAttesT® works with much smaller sample amounts than normal. Despite the thoroughness, completeness and rapid availability of the results, the cost of multicomponent TerrAttesT® analysis is competitive against traditional, more limited analysis packages.
TerrAttesT® advantages
Solid analysis:
TerrAttesT® uses the most modern analytical techniques. Eurofins Analytico conducts this suite of analysis on a large scale. The customer is assured of refined detection and constant quality. Results are rapidly available as TerrAttesT® does not generate any non-information and releases the complete results in one go. The customer therefore is informed more quickly.
Legally conclusive:
TerrAttesT® focuses directly on laws and regulations, even acting in anticipation of them. The customer knows with certainty that Eurofins I Analytico Environment measures everything that the government requires to be measured.
Individual values:
TerrAttesT® determines individual values for more than 200 environmentally contaminating substances, qualitatively and quantitatively. The chance of follow-up research is minimal.
The TerrAttesT® anaIysis report includes as an appendix the environmental report on soil quality. It is so well-organised that it is easily understood by non-professionals.
Advantageous: The scale effect also applies for a high-quality analysis product such as TerrAttesT®. Expert soil advice on the basis of TerrAttesT® costs no more than advice on the basis of the usual analysis packages.
Find out more about TerrAttesT® and other specialist analyis on our download page. For questions please contact your account manager or email environmental-testing-uk@eurofins.com
Our experts are always happy to help.