Soil Analyses

Eurofins offers a wide variety of soil testing methods for detecting contamination. Our turnaround times are the shortest of any laboratory in Europe ensuring our clients can make decisions quickly, thus reducing stand down time..
Below is an overview of the most common analysis:
Organic parameters
- Mineral oil
- Organochlorine pesticides
- VOC and SVOC
- Chlorobenzenes
- PFAS compounds
Inorganic parameters
- Metals
- Chloride
- Cyanides
- Nitrate
- Nitrite
- Acidity level
- Ammonium
- Sulphate
- Phosphate
Physical parameters
- Dry matter
- Organic matter
- Clay particles (< 2 µm)
- Calcite
- Grain size distribution
- Asbestos identification and quantification
Eurofins is accredited to ISO17025 and holds MCERTS for a number of individual parameters. You can find more information about our accreditation and analysis capabilities on our download page.
For further information please contact your account manager directly or via
Our experts are always happy to help.