We can help you determine the shelf-life of new or reformulated products and validate the shelf-life through personalised product testing programmes.
Shelf-life advice and assistance
Shelf-life services from accredited testing laboratories and compliance and risk management team of food safety experts include
- Testing of routine and non-routine biochemical and microbial indicators affecting shelf life, such as Histamine, Total Volatile Base Nitrogen (TVBN) and controls for Clostridium botulinum, respectively
Guidance on application of ‘Use By’ or ‘Best Before’ dates, including potential change from ‘Use By’ to ‘Best Before’ labels
Carrying out Microbiological Risk Assessment to establish safe life
Setting of Microbiological Criteria (which organisms to test for and acceptable limits)
Providing shelf-life testing recommendations for microbiological / chemical / sensory analysis tailored to your products
Interpretation of shelf-life testing results
Predictive microbiological modelling
Help with extension of shelf-life projects
For more information contact us on 0845 604 6740 or submit an enquiry.