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CBD Testing

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Cannabidiol - Trusted Testing Partner

There’s been an explosion of cannabidiol (CBD) products entering the market following an upsurge in demand from customers and changes in regulations allowing more freedom for producers and distributors.

So now it’s more important than ever for manufacturers and suppliers to understand their statutory responsibilities, and the role testing can play in helping them to demonstrate the safety and validity of their marketing and labelling claims.

Eurofins scientists are leading global experts in hemp and CBD analysis and verification. In fact, we developed the first globally recognized (AOAC) method for testing the potency of hemp.

Our scientific teams collaborate with you to develop innovative, tailored testing solutions so you can be sure you’re delivering the safest, highest quality CBD products to market.


Why test?

  • Testing is crucial to protect the integrity of any brand offering CBD in any form – consumers have the right to know exactly what is in the products they are using, and the volume of each ingredient.
  • That’s why Eurofins has established teams of specialists accredited by leading industry bodies in order to provide CBD testing results that its customers know are highly accurate and reliable.

CBD materials that can be tested

Oils Raw material
Balms Supplements
Lotions Vapes
Creams E-liquids
Capsules Gummies


CBD analysis Types

  • Cannabinoid profile assays
  • Multi-residue analysis of more than 500 pesticides
  • Analysis of heavy metals
  • Origin plant strain authentication
  • Pathogen detection and traceability
  • Determination of residual solvents.

Why Eurofins?

  • Eurofins has been granted a 1st action approved cannabinoid potency assay method by AOAC International – all methods are robust, rigorous and highly credible.
  • UKAS accredited.
  • ISO 17025 – demonstrating the laboratories operate competently and generate valid results.
  • Partnered with the Centre for Medicinal Cannabis and the Association for the Cannabinoid Industry for analytical support.
  • Compliance sponsor and testing partner for the Hemp and CBD Expo.

Contact us to let us know how we can support you with your CBD testing requirements. Call 0845 604 6740, enquire or order online from Eurofins Testing Direct.

Protect your brand. Know your responsibilities. Demonstrate the safety of your product.