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News and Events >> News >> State-of-the-Art Scottish Lab Officially Unveiled

On Tuesday 14th May, Board Directors from across the entire company united to celebrate the official unveiling of our brand-new, state-of-the-art laboratory in Linlithgow.

Following significant investment, improvement and innovation, a large-scale refurbishment has been carried out at the former Express Micro Science - an analytical testing company with expertise across water, chemistry, agriculture, and food microbiology – to extend our industry-leading service offering to those in the region and beyond.

With an investment of over £500,000, the capacity of our Linlithgow site has now more than doubled, meaning we’re able to offer testing to all food and drink manufacturers in a purpose-built facility. And, thanks to this careful design and development, designated low and high-risk areas have been established, further enhancing our quality, accuracy, and safety.

Other enhancements include:

  • Automated processes and procedures
  • Improved turnaround times
  • Introduction of a comprehensive and complementary suite of testing services – including for some of the more specialist pathogens, such as E-coli 0157, Campylobacter, and Vibrio.

Our Commercial Director, Nigel Glendinning, said: “It’s been an absolute pleasure to welcome Express Micro Science, and their entire team, into our business. By increasing our service offering and capabilities in Scotland, customers can rest assured that they’ll continue to receive the highest level of expertise, experience and excellence. And they can now also benefit from a network of trusted world-class laboratories, inter-company services, and our pioneering customer platform, Europortal."

“This advancement comes after the recent expansion of a Waters Testing Lab in Livingston last year, as part of our continued commitment to expand services, capabilities and reach into even more areas of the UK.

“Supported by Eurofins’ global network, we’re delighted that we’ll soon be able to offer a results portal system to our customers, which will aid them in trending, investigating and analysing results. And thanks to the sheer size and capacity of the site, there’s potential for additional expansion and progression based on feedback and the evolving long-term needs of our customers.

“We’re genuinely passionate about providing a valuable and much-needed service, and it’s our mission to continue to achieve this in Scotland.”

If you’re interested in learning more about our brand-new, state-of-the-art laboratory in Linlithgow, or the comprehensive range of testing services we’re able to provide, get in touch.

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