Purpose-built packages provide rapid, cost effective routine analysis and interpretation. These services include identification, weight and purity analysis to support simple possession cases, possession with intent to supply cases, supply and trafficking cases and test purchase operations plus searches to reveal drugs concealed in everyday items for controlled deliveries.
Extra support is available for more complex enquiries, including site visits to cannabis grow rooms and suspected illicit laboratories, and enhanced analysis in the laboratory to identify new types of drugs or to explore links between drug seizures and establish chains of supply. Cannabis grow room yields can also be estimated without scene visits.
Analyses are used sequentially on a mix-and-match basis to suit individual cases and to keep costs down. After recording weight, volume or number of units, the principal drug components will be identified along with any adulterants and cutting agents. Additional full drug profiling to aid conspiracy cases and examination and analysis of drug packaging can be undertaken.
Packaging can provide particularly powerful links between drug seizures, people and places - augmented by other types of evidence such as DNA, fingerprints and clothing fibres that may be associated with it. Drugs staff are trained and accredited for DNA preservation and recovery.
To hold drugs licence need robust security: doors, cameras etc.
Some of the drugs we work with e.g. fentanyl and nitazenes are lethal in small doses. Many are in powder form and we have to design air handling to suit.
100% bespoke to facilitate the most LEAN working possible with scientists not needing to move away from their work stations when taking notes and samples.
Transported on purpose-built sample conveyors (no other drugs lab uses these) to make the most efficient use of space and time.
Full range of analytical instruments and bespoke methods are housed in a dedicated instrument room to provide gas supplies, buffered power and climate control.
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