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Marks & Traces


Eurofins Forensic Services offers an unparalleled range of support for the examination, comparison, analysis and evaluation of numerous types of marks and material/chemical traces in the context of volume & complex crime, and industrial investigations.

Our comprehensive scientific investigation services are conducted from Eurofins’ brand-new state-of-the-art laboratory located in Tamworth, UK. Equipped with the most advanced technologies and staffed by expert scientists, we offer accurate analysis, comparison and evaluation of various types of marks and traces, assisting in forensic investigations and delivering reliable results to our valued clients.

Forensic investigation of marks and traces utilises various scientific techniques. These include DNA profiling, ballistics analysis, tool mark examination, shoe print analysis, document examination, fingerprint analysis, chromatography, spectroscopy, and microscopy. These methods aid in identifying and linking evidence to individuals, weapons, documents or other sources in criminal investigations.

For further information on our Marks & Traces Service, please do contact us by clicking here.