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Water Chemistry

Contact us

Our UKAS No. 9658 accredited laboratories are able to assess the chemical composition of water for organic and inorganic determinands in a wide variety of applications and sample matrix types.


Eurofins Water Chemistry Services

Our chemistry testing and assessments cover a wide variety of water matrices and include services for all applicable environmental settings including, but not limited to:

  • Cooling towers and HVAC systems
  • Agriculture and irrigation
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Industrial processes
  • Swimming pools and recreational water
  • Aquaculture and fish farming
  • Non-regulatory drinking water
  • Ground water
  • Surface water
  • Process water
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Hydroponics and Aquaponics
  • Medical and healthcare facilities

UK-Wide drop-off facilities

Eurofins UK clients benefit from our extensive and free to use sample drop off network with over 50 drop-off locations. Follow the links below for more details.

For more information please Contact us or call 0845 604 6740.